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⟩ We have lost the sa password, what can we do?

Remember Douglas Adams famous quote "Don't panic" is the first thing!

I know that most people use the 'sa' account all of the time, which is fine if there is only ever one dba administering the system. If you have more than one person accessing the server using the 'sa' account, consider using sa_role enabled accounts and disabling the 'sa' account. Funnily enough, this is obviously what Sybase think because it is one of the questions in the certification exams.

If you see that someone is logged using the 'sa' account or is using an account with 'sa_role' enabled, then you can do the following:

sp_configure "allow updates to system tables",1


update syslogins set password=null where name = 'sa'


sp_password null,newPassword



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