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⟩ How do I turn off marked suspect on my database in Sybase?

One of your database is marked suspect as the SQL Server is coming up. Here are the steps to take to unset the flag.

Remember to fix the problem that caused the database to be marked suspect after switching the flag.

System 11

1. sp_configure "allow updates", 1

2. select status - 320 from sysdatabases where dbid = db_id("my_hosed_db") -- save this value.

3. begin transaction

4. update sysdatabases set status = -32768 where dbid = db_id("my_hosed_db")

5. commit transaction

6. shutdown

7. startserver -f RUN_*

8. fix the problem that caused the database to be marked suspect

9. begin transaction

10. update sysdatabases set status = saved_value where dbid = db_id("my_hosed_db")

11. commit transaction

12. sp_configure "allow updates", 0

13. reconfigure

14. shutdown

15. startserver -f RUN_*


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