
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Top 20 3D Artist Job Interview Questions

☛ 1. What is full form of GIF? Name the organization behind its development.

☛ 2. What kind of image container is GIF? How is it different from other image containers?

☛ 3. What is an animation?

☛ 4. How many bits do a GIF image uses to store a pixel value?

☛ 5. Is GIF a good format for storing real life photographs?

☛ 6. Name the compression technique used by GIF image format. Is it lossless or lossy data compression?

☛ 7. What is the basic principle involved in gif animations?

☛ 8. Compare PNG with GIF.

☛ 9. Name few of the tools that can be used to create animated gif images.

☛ 10. How to optimize an animated gif?

☛ 11. What do you mean by Rigging? Is it possible to achieve rigging using gifs?

☛ 12. How to animate a text by fading it in & out?

☛ 13. What do you mean by ambient occlusion?

☛ 14. How to make an animated gif image’s background transparent?

☛ 15. What is e-GIF? How it is different from GIF?

☛ 16. What you understand by alternative GIFs?

☛ 17. What is XAML?

☛ 18. Explain file structure of GIF images.

☛ 19. Pour some light over Byte Ordering in Gif Images.

☛ 20. What is the purpose of Global Color Table?


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