
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Top 60 3D Graphics Job Interview Questions

☛ 1. What is the meaning of the graphics? Name few types of the graphics.

☛ 2. Can you give few examples of computer graphics?

☛ 3. Classify applications of computer graphics.

☛ 4. What do you understand by image processing? Is image processing a subset of computer graphics?

☛ 5. What do you mean by interactive graphics? What are its advantages?

☛ 6. What is the conceptual framework for interactive graphics?

☛ 7. Give few examples of graphics hardware.

☛ 8. Name few graphics libraries you know about.

☛ 9. What is SRGP? Explain it with its advantages & disadvantages.

☛ 10. What is vector graphics? How vector graphics are the rendered over the monitor?

☛ 11. What is raster graphics? Compare it with vector graphics.

☛ 12. Name few 2D primitives figures you know.

☛ 13. Write an algorithm to scan convert a circle over the computer screen.

☛ 14. How is scan conversion of an ellipse different from a circle?

☛ 15. Explain working of Bresenham Line Plotting algorithm.

☛ 16. Pour some light over midpoint circle & ellipse algorithms.

☛ 17. Explain what do you mean by Filling Rectangles?

☛ 18. Name few algorithms that are used for polygon filling.

☛ 19. What do you understand by Clipping?

☛ 20. Name one Line Clipping Algorithm & explain its working.

☛ 21. How a polygon can be clipped? Name & explain algorithm behind it.

☛ 22. How a character can be rendered over the computer screen?

☛ 23. What do you understand by anti-aliasing? What is the advantage of its use?

☛ 24. What do you understand by Raster-Scan Display Systems?

☛ 25. Draw the block diagram of the video controller.

☛ 26. What is the basic principle involved in Random-Scan Displays?

☛ 27. Compare raster scan display with random scan display.

☛ 28. What is an aspect ratio?

☛ 29. What do you mean by pixel density of the screen? What is its unit of measurement?

☛ 30. Name few input devices for operator interaction.

☛ 31. What are the Image scanners?

☛ 32. Explain 2D viewing pipeline. Draw the block diagram.

☛ 33. What do you understand by geometrical transformation? Name all primitive transformations.

☛ 34. What is the significance of 2d transformation?

☛ 35. What do you understand by the homogeneous coordinates system?

☛ 36. Pour some light over Composition of Transformations.

☛ 37. Explain window-to-viewport transformation.

☛ 38. Explain how can you represent transformations using matrices?

☛ 39. What is the meaning of Projections? What is its significance?

☛ 40. Name two types of projections.

☛ 41. Draw the whole hierarchy of projections?

☛ 42. What do you understand by cabinet view?

☛ 43. Show me the mathematics of Planar Geometric Projections.

☛ 44. What does SPHIGS stand for?

☛ 45. What are Bezier Curves? What are its features?

☛ 46. What do you mean by quadratic surfaces?

☛ 47. What do you mean by Ambient Light? How it is different from point source of light?

☛ 48. What is virtual realism? What are the fundamental difficulties that are faced at the time of virtual realism?

☛ 49. What is the meaning of Stereopsis?

☛ 50. What is a hidden surface removal algorithm? Give few examples of it.

☛ 51. Explain z-buffer algorithm.

☛ 52. How area subdivision algorithm works?

☛ 53. Name few hidden surface removal algorithms for Curved Surfaces.

☛ 54. How illumination & shading change whole game of rendering graphics?

☛ 55. Explain transparencies & shadows.

☛ 56. What do you mean by inter-object reflections?

☛ 57. What are the extended light sources?

☛ 58. What do you understand by Radiosity Methods?

☛ 59. How an image can be geometrically transformations of images?

☛ 60. What is filtering of an image?


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