⟩ 60 Professional 3D Maya Interview Questions
1. What do you understand by animation?
2. Is there any difference between an animation & a video? Explain.
3. Give few examples of animation hardware & software.
4. What do you understand by a media authoring tool? Name few authoring tools for animations.
5. What is a twining animation?
6. What is rigging?
7. What is the number of the frames that must be shown per second to a human to cause an optical illusion of motion?
8. What do you understand by phenomenon of persistence of vision?
9. What is a motion picture? How is it different from animations?
10. Name few of the techniques used in the animation.
11. What is traditional animation? How in traditional animations sequence of the images is created?
12. What do you know about Rotoscoping?
13. Have you ever happened to come across Puppet Animation? What is it?
14. What is Stop Motion?
15. What do you mean by the plasticine animation?
16. What is the meaning of pixilation?
17. What is computer animation? Give pros & cons of computer animation.
18. What is the difference between traditional & computer animations?
19. Name few Hollywood movies that have used photo realistic animations.
20. Explain paint-on-glass technique of animation.
21. What is sand animation?
22. Name few of the animation tools that you have used.
23. Give minimum system requirement that a rich & modern animation would require.
24. How many ways there are to include an animation into a webpage?
25. How will you make a gif animation?
26. Is it possible to publish gif animations from adobe’s flash?
27. Why gif animations do looks so grainy?
28. How does a 3D movie works?
29. What is an Easter egg?
30. What is difference between raster & vector animations? Which one is better?
31. What is FLV? For what purposes it is used?
32. What does SWF stand for? How is it different from FLV?
33. Out of FLV & SWF which one will you prefer to use when publishing an animation?
34. How many frames there are in one second of animation?
35. What are Flash Exploits? How can they harm your computer?
36. What is the difference between flash player & flash projector?
37. Name a program that can produce both 2D & 3D animations.
38. What is ActionScript?
39. What do you understand by shading?
40. What is ambient occlusion map?
41. What is the meaning of Texturing?
42. How can lighting improve whole look & feel of an animation?
43. When you should use Flash scenes instead Keyframes?
44. What is rendering in context of computer animation?
45. Is it necessary to draw background of the animation every time?
46. What do you understand by Image Morphing?
47. Is it possible to render 3D animations as 2D animations? If yes then how?
48. Compare animation with animatronics.
49. What do you understand by Squash & stretch in context of computer animation?
50. What is the clay motion? Why it is so jerky?
51. How are 3D snow & rain modeled in computer animations?
52. Are clothing & hair on 3D models created individually?
53. Have you ever heard technique called 2.5D animation? What is it?
54. How animators sync their music with their animation?
55. What are the standard units of measurement you use while doing animations?
56. What is a wireframe animation? What is its significance?
57. What is attraction in animation?
58. What do you understand by CAD tools? For what purposes they are used?
59. What is difference between autoCAD & other 3D programs?
60. If an architect want to make a model of a building which tool he prefer to use?