⟩ Do you know what are grips?
Grips are small boxes that appear on the objects you select. You can move or edit an object by dragging a grip.
Grips are small boxes that appear on the objects you select. You can move or edit an object by dragging a grip.
Tell me what is principle stress and principle plane?
Tell me what are the commonly used various methods of pictorial projection?
Tell me which orthographic projection has been recommended by Bureau of Indian Standard(BIS)?
Tell me in order to derive the torsional formulas what are the assumptions taken?
What is Cycloid?
Do you know where is draft angle used?
Tell me what do you mean by Break Lines?
Tell me what are the basis on which the best material for Sliding Contact Bearings manufacturing?
What is Hertzian stress? (a) Tensile stress on inner surface of cylinder (b) Bending stress on two contact surface (c) Contact stress on two contact surfaces (d) Shear stress on two contact surfaces
Backlash is (a) Sum of the clearance of two gears (b) Mutual play between two gears (c) Amount by which the width of a tooth space exceeds the thickness of the engaging tooth on pitch circle (d) Any of the above