
Question and Answer:

  Home  Assistant Design Engineer

⟩ Tell me what attracted you to be a design engineer?

With this question, the employer/interviewer is really interested in your motivation – and they’re also trying to find out why you applied for the job in question (particularly if this is your first job as a design engineer). With this answer, they’re looking for you to be passionate and enthusiastic and for you to at least interest in the profile.

With this one, it’s best to be honest. Why did you want to get into design? Was it because it seemed a bit different? It was good fit for your skills? It seemed like an interesting challenge? Or did you just fall into it? If it was the latter, it’s ok to say that- but be sure why you want to work in this area. Remember- they’re looking for honesty- and to gain some insight into you as an individual and how you might fit into their team- so try and sound at least little bit credible!


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