
Question and Answer:

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⟩ UX Commercial Application related Job Interview Questions

☛ How would you design an interface for an elevator in a 1000-floor building?

☛ How would you design an ATM?

☛ How would you design a microwave?

☛ Can you estimate how many traffic lights there are in the United States?

☛ Imagine we’re designing a kiosk at a transit stop. Its purpose is to let regular commuters refill their transit cards. We have an engineer coming in 20 minutes and he needs a spec. How would you explain how the kiosks works in that time?

☛ How would you describe the Internet to someone who just woke up from a 30-year coma?

☛ What are the advantages and disadvantages of contextual inquiry/field studies when designing an application or website?

☛ How would you walk me through a brief analysis of our home page?

☛ What is an example of a site you think has bad user experience? Why?

☛ What are 3 examples of online products that have a great user experience?

☛ If you had the power to change one feature for a website or application, what would you change?

☛ What do you think makes a great UX designer vs. an average one? What makes you a great UX designer?

☛ What are your thoughts on designing the user experience of a startup vs. a more established brand?

☛ Are you familiar with the idea of a minimum viable product (MVP)?

☛ Is UX only for huge agencies and global brands or can the little guys & gals get involved?

☛ Why should business owners and/or marketing people care about UX?

☛ Now let’s say that after 6 months, there is no jump in sales. What is at fault? Normally, sales and/or marketing gets blamed for having the wrong message, appealing to the wrong audience, not enough of this, too much of that. What if the reason for flat-lined sales had to do with user experience?

☛ What’s the best way for UX and Marketing teams to work together

☛ What’s the downside to omitting UX from the discussion?

☛ Does your UX end once the website or app launch?

☛ Is UX work expensive?

☛ Does it make sense when people say something like “Looking for a UI/UX designer”?


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