⟩ What are the major new API's that come standard with HTML5?
Name of a few one's are:
★ Media API
★ Text Track API
★ Application Cache API
★ User Interaction
★ Data Transfer API
★ Command API
★ Constraint Validation API
★ History API.
Name of a few one's are:
★ Media API
★ Text Track API
★ Application Cache API
★ User Interaction
★ Data Transfer API
★ Command API
★ Constraint Validation API
★ History API.
Are there different types of anthropology, if so explain?
What was the evolutionary reason for different shapes of eyes? Eastern Asian eyes in particular.
What determines the race of a child in a white and black couple? Father Black and mother white
What assumptions have been made about "Sin" or "shame" by anthropologist?
Why is necessity NOT the mother of invention in evolutionary terms?
In what way are the inhabitants of El Alto, Bolivia different from other people?
Why do some people have slanted eyes, while others have round ones? More importantly where can I find a reliable resource that will explain this and which I can reference in a report?
What criteria would archeological information have to meet to be considered evidence of complex thought?
Which came first? Monotheism or Polytheism
Could you explain to me what evidence is utilized to support the claim that humans have evolved over time from earlier forms?