⟩ Who are your top three competitors, and what sets you apart?
This is one of several questions I ask that are part of a SWOT Analysis, and it helps define your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
This is one of several questions I ask that are part of a SWOT Analysis, and it helps define your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Explain me what is your philosophy of education?
Explain how Do You Handle Student Discipline?
Explain me how many classes/lectures can you handle apart from administrative tasks?
Tell me what do you consider a school principal’s biggest pressure?
Tell me what salary do you expect as Assistant Principal?
Tell me why do you want to be principal of this school?
Tell me what makes you passionate about being an Assistant Principal?
Tell us why do you want a career as an assistant principal?
Tell me how would you schedule classes?
Why should we hire you as Assistant Principal?