
Question and Answer:

  Home  Assistant Principal

⟩ Assistant Principal Operational and Situational Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell us about your professional experience in the field of education.

☛ In as much detail as possible, describe your vision of a highly effective (elementary/middle/high) school.

☛ What are your personal benchmarks for success in this role?

☛ How would you rate yourself as a leader? Describe your leadership style.

☛ How would you rate yourself as a disciplinarian?

☛ How does this role differ from the role of the Principal?

☛ Describe a time you disagreed with the Principal’s decision-making.

☛ Discuss the relationship between teacher evaluations and student achievement.

☛ How do you involve other staff in organizational decision-making?

☛ Describe a time you suggested a way to cut costs in order to maintain a service or activity.

☛ In what ways have you helped teachers improve their methods of instruction?

☛ What classroom management strategies do you recommend?

☛ What guidance would you give to teachers during their first year on the job?

☛ How would you give negative feedback to a veteran teacher?

☛ Describe a time that a student complaint resulted in reprimanding a teacher.

☛ How do you know when a parent organization is effective?

☛ Describe a time you involved a parent in disciplining a student.

☛ How would you organize and promote a new student activity?

☛ How would students at your school describe you?


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