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⟩ Why are calcium carbonate and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide considered inorganic compounds?

"The name "organic" is a historical name, dating back to 19th century, when it was believed that organic compounds could only be synthesized in living organisms through vis vitalis - the "life-force". The theory that organic compounds were fundamentally different from those that were "inorganic", that is, not synthesized through a life-force, was disproved with the synthesis of urea, an "organic" compound by definition of its known occurrence only in the urine of living organisms, from potassium cyanate and ammonium sulfate by Friedrich Wöhler in the Wöhler synthesis. The kinds of carbon compounds that are still traditionally considered inorganic are those that were considered inorganic before Wöhler's time; that is, those which came from "inorganic" (i.e., lifeless) sources such as minerals."

Some carbon inorganic compounds are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, diamond, graphite, fullerenes, cyanide, cyanate, thiocyanate, carbonate, and carbide.


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