⟩ What would you do if a parent was angry with you for the way you handled a situation with their child?
I would firstly not take it personally, and ask for their input in how to handle future situations in correlation with their parenting.
I would firstly not take it personally, and ask for their input in how to handle future situations in correlation with their parenting.
Describe yourself in 5 words or less?
Do you enjoy being active with the kids?
How would you break up a fight among kids?
What do you think you will dislike the most about this job?
Why do you want to be a camp counselor?
What have you heard about being a camp counselor?
What would you do if a parent was angry with the way you handled a situation with their child?
How do you think you will handle a job that literally requires you to live at it?
Can you handle a group that includes one or two children with a disability?
You were just voted camp counselor of the summer. Why did you win?