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⟩ Case study interview questions part 5

✰ In the Chicago subway system there are two escalators for going up but only one for going down to the subway. Why is that?

✰ You find three boxes at the store. One contains onions. Another contains potatoes. The third contains both onions and potatoes. However, all three of the boxes are labeled incorrectly so it's impossible to tell which box contains what. By opening just one box (but without looking in) and removing either a potato or onion, how can you immediate label the contents of all the boxes?

✰ There are 8 bags of wheat, 7 of which weigh the same amount. However, there is one that weighs less than the others. You are given a balance scale used for weighing. In less than three steps, figure out which bag weighs less than the rest?

✰ There are 23 rugby teams playing in a tournament. What is the least number of games that must be played to find a tournament winner?


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