⟩ Tell me what are the three stages to build the hypotheses or model in machine learning?
☛ a) Model building
☛ b) Model testing
☛ c) Applying the model
☛ a) Model building
☛ b) Model testing
☛ c) Applying the model
Explain How is the concentration of drugs in human plasma defined?
Please tell me about some drugs that can cross the blood brain barrier?
Explain How is the calculation derived for a drug to be bioequivalent with other? On which base the limit is fixed as 80-120% for a drug to be bioequivalent. What is meant by 90% confidential interval?
Explain if a patient was admitted to the hospital with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. His PO2 was 55 and PCO2 was 65. A new resident orders 54% oxygen via the venturi mask. One hour later, after the oxygen was placed, the nurse finds the patient with no respiration or pulse. She calls for a Code Blue and begins CPR. Explain why the patient stopped breathing.?
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