⟩ Which one of these statistics is unaffected by outliers?
* a) Mean
* b) Inter-quartile range
* c) Standard deviation
* d) Range
Answer - b
* a) Mean
* b) Inter-quartile range
* c) Standard deviation
* d) Range
Answer - b
Tell me What is the requirement to become a Professional Engineer (PE) in the field of Aerospace?
Explain What are the main areas in Aviation?
Explain how you overcame a major obstacle?
Explain When can one deviate from any flight rules and regulations?
Without Air Traffic Control, what is the minimum descent rate can descend the plane?
Tell me about stress analysis?
Explain What would you do if your Captain is not following the instructions properly?
Tell me How would you handle if your co-worker is not co-operating with you?
Explain What is the testing done in aerospace engineering?
Can you miss the clearance limit and loose commands from the Air Craft Officer?