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⟩ How do students receive rapid and differentiated support in competency based model?

The core idea of a competency-based model is that all students will master the desired competencies. This requires a rapid response capacity on the part of educators to support students when they are stuck or begin to disengage in frustration. Educator capacity, and student's own capacity to seek out help, will be enhanced by technology-enabled solutions that incorporate predictive analytic tools. This element is essential to a competency-based system. Without it there is risk that the current inequities will be reproduced.

★ Pacing matters - Although students will progress at their own speeds, students that are proceeding more slowly will need more help

★ Learning plans capture knowledge on learning styles, context and interventions that are most effective for individuals students

★ New specialist roles may develop in educator and instructional support roles, providing high quality interventions when students are begin to slip behind

★ Online learning can play an invaluable role in providing feedback to teachers on how students are proceeding


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