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⟩ How LSMW and BAPI works?

LSMW is an encapsulated data transfer tool. It can provide

the same functionality as BDC infact much more but when

coming to techinical perspective most the parameters are

encapulated. To listout some of the differences :

LSMW is basicaly designed for a fuctional consultant who do

not do much coding but need to explore the fuctionality

while BDC is designed for a technical consultant.

LSMW offers different techinque for migrating data: Direct

input ,BAPI,Idoc,Batch input recording. While bdc basically

uses recording.

LSMW mapping is done by SAP while in BDC we have to do it

explicitly .

LSMW is basically for standard SAP application while bdc

basically for customized application.


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