
Question and Answer:

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⟩ How is the pricing of the issue done by following?

a.) Listed Company : Listed company issues the pricing by making it free for the equity shares securities through the public/rights issue. It makes composite issue of capital (public and right basis which is been made through the offer document in which allotment for both public and rights components is proposed which are used to issue securities at different prices.

b.) Unlisted Company : Unlisted company also does the same as the listed company does as it is used to exachange within the recognised stock. It is also not easy to find rights issues as shareholders are unable to raise funds to take the rights which might not have the aletrnate available as the firm's shares are also not listed. In this a company has to rely on the profits which they have got as their main source of equity or they can seek to raise venture capital or can also take debt from others.


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