
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain what are the different types of expenditures considered for the purpose of accounting?

For the accounting purpose expenditures are classified in three types:

* Capital Expenditure is an amount incurred for acquiring the long term assets such as land, building, equipments which are continually used for the purpose of earning revenue. These are not meant for sale. These costs are recorded in accounts namely Plant, Property, Equipment. Benefits from such expenditure are spread over several accounting years.

E.g. Interest on capital paid, Expenditure on purchase or installation of an asset, brokerage and commission paid.

* Revenue Expenditure is the expenditure incurred in one accounting year and the benefits from which is also enjoyed in the same period only. This expenditure does not increase the earning capacity of the business but maintains the existing earning capacity of the business. It included all the expenses which are incurred during day to day running of business. The benefits of this expenditure are for short period and are not forwarded to the next year. This expenditure is on recurring nature.

Eg: Purchase of raw material, selling and distribution expenses, Salaries, wages etc.

* Deferred Revenue Expenditure is a revenue expenditure which has been incurred during an accounting year but the benefit of which may be extended to a number of years. And these are charged to profit and loss account. E.g. Development expenditure, Advertisement etc.


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