⟩ Tell us what other industries are you looking into?
Are your candidates really interested in the finance industry, or are they just exploring their options? Passion for finance is essential to staying afloat in this industry.
Are your candidates really interested in the finance industry, or are they just exploring their options? Passion for finance is essential to staying afloat in this industry.
Tell us what is a deferred tax asset and what is its purpose?
Tell us what do you enjoy most/least about this type of work?
Tell me what do you think the difference is between a manager and a leader?
Do you know what is goodwill and how is it accounted for?
Tell us what experience do you have in administrator roles?
Explain me how do you feel about multitasking at work?
Explain me do you have any skills such as shorthand/touch typing?
Tell us do you enjoy meeting new people and interacting with customers?
How would you help staffs change from a “this is how it’s always done” approach to newprocesses you implement?
Tell us when have you been the happiest working with a manager? Why?