⟩ Please tell me how would you react if you felt you were being pushed too far at work?
If pushed too far you would consider speaking to your manager about workloads and expectations and try to resolve the situation.
If pushed too far you would consider speaking to your manager about workloads and expectations and try to resolve the situation.
Why did you leave you last job as Income Tax Expert?
Do you know what are limited liability companies? What are its two types?
Tell me what do you understand by dissolution of firm?
Do you know what is share capital?
Explain me what is a deferred tax asset and why might one be created?
Please explain what is working capital?
Why should we hire you as Income Tax Expert?
Explain me how will you calculate House Rent Allowance (HRA)?
Tell us what do you mean by Commercial Tax?
Explain is it possible for a company to show positive cash flows but be in grave trouble?