⟩ Tell me examples of the payroll reports you have prepared?
I have prepared Time Labour Entry Audit reports that reflect Job codes, wages, Gl accounts, time repoting codes, rates.
I have prepared Time Labour Entry Audit reports that reflect Job codes, wages, Gl accounts, time repoting codes, rates.
Explain me what are the two most basics financial statements prepared by the companies?
Tell me suppose i buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements?
Explain me what is capital gain? Explain long term capital gains and how is it different from short term capital gains?
Tell me what items fall under the category of ‘securities’?
Tell me what are the deductions under Salary Head?
Tell me what are the types of Provident funds?
Please explain why are increases in accounts receivable a cash reduction on the cash flow statement?
Explain what are the disadvantages of proprietary firms?
Do you know what is composite cost of capital? Explain the process to compute it?
What is Amortization & Impairment?