
Question and Answer:

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⟩ What will be the probable cut off for the Group-1 Mains to be selected for interview for the exams?

The general scoring in essay can be around 60 and for

history around 75, and economy 80 and science 80 of many

aspired candidates.

even though maths paper is easy to go, but the first

question in the second section and the questions in

section - iii may not yield good answers. i expect the

average for paper - 5 will be 100 for qualified candidates.

in the last 2008 group-1 exams general category men were

called for 420 and above.the highest written marks for all

catergories is 481.

History 101 (highestmarks)

Economy - 110 (highest marks)

Science - 127 (")

Mathematics - 120 (")

Essay - 116 (")

The above data can be calculated from the marks list

released by APPSC for the 2008 exam.

none of the candidates who got highest marks are not

selected since they got fewer marks in other subjects.

so overall performance is important.

so we can expect the total marks may go up to 500 or 510.

i expect the cutoff to be 440 - 450


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