
Question and Answer:

  Home  Freelance Web Designer

⟩ Sample Freelance Web Designer Job Interview Questions

☛ What graphic design software are you most comfortable working with?

☛ What graphic design software do you know best? Which one could you improve?

☛ What do you think are the most important qualities in a graphic designer?

☛ How comfortable are you being told what to design?

☛ How well do you take criticism?

☛ You are asked to design a new logo for our company. What would it look like?

☛ Do you sketch your designs first before converting them to digital format?

☛ How many designs do you usually sketch before choosing one?

☛ Do you have a tablet at home? What is it and why do you like it?

☛ How long would it take you to plan, design, and complete a 300×400 banner?

☛ How familiar are you designing graphics for [online marketing, newspapers, etc.]?

☛ You may be given strict parameters for your designs. Will that stifle your creativity?

☛ You are told to create a design without any instructions. What do you do?

☛ How do you plan your designs before you start drafting them?

☛ Tell me about some of the designs you have created, and their success.


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