
Question and Answer:

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⟩ General Caregiver Job Interview Questions

☛ In your opinion, tell me what makes you a good caregiver [or why you think you will be a good caregiver].

☛ What made you choose to apply to be a caregiver?

☛ What made you apply to work at this agency?

☛ Tell me about some personal goals or work-related goals you have and what you are doing to accomplish them.

☛ Share with me a time when you displayed [one of your company’ s values].

☛ What aspects of a job do you find most likely to wear you down or discourage you?

☛ Tell me about your best day at work you’ve ever had and what made it so good.

☛ What do you do to motivate yourself to work hard during times when you feel lacking in motivation?

☛ What is your proudest achievement outside of work?

☛ What do you hope to accomplish in this job?

☛ What three words would you want your epitaph to say?

☛ Tell me about the last time someone did something kind for you. What made you appreciate it?

☛ Do you set personal goals for yourself when beginning a new job and if so, can you tell me about some past goals you’ve set and how they went?

☛ What is the biggest challenge for you when working as a caregiver [or what do you think it will be], and what have you done about it/what are you going to do about it?

☛ Tell me what makes you most excited about working with seniors.

☛ What’s the most interesting thing about you that we don’t know from your resume?

☛ What personal values are most important to you?

☛ What would your autobiography be titled?

☛ What do you view as your greatest flaw as an employee and what have you done to improve this?

☛ What personality trait of yours do you think makes you most valuable to employers?

☛ If you could choose an animal that represents you as an employee, what animal would it be and why?


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