
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Basic Case Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ What training or experience has prepared you to excel in this role?

☛ What specific interests or specialties do you have in case management, if any?

☛ Walk us through your typical day at work.

☛ What information do you need to have to create the patient’s health care plan?

☛ How do you manage transitions in a patient’s health care plan?

☛ How much negotiation do you have to do on a day-to-day basis?

☛ How would you rate yourself on providing necessary information to a patient’s entire care team?

☛ Describe a time you worked with members of a patient’s care team to achieve a significantly successful outcome.

☛ Described a time you communicated complex medical information to patient in a way that was easy for them to understand.

☛ How do you work with your patient to evaluate the care they received while in the hospital?

☛ How would you minimize your patient’s time in the hospital?

☛ What is your experience with helping families arrange long-term care for patients?

☛ Recall a time you had to manage conflicting priorities.

☛ In what ways have you demonstrated cultural sensitivity?

☛ What’s stressful about being a case manager?

☛ How do you demonstrate leadership in this position?


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