
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Work-Life Balance Based Company Physician Job Interview Questions

☛ Aside from monetary compensation, what kinds of mental dividends (such as job satisfaction does this career yield?

☛ What sacrifices have you had to make to succeed in this field, and do you feel the sacrifices were worth it?

☛ What kind of hours do you normally work?

☛ Do you have to put in any overtime or work on weekends?

☛ Are the time demands of your job specific to this company, or would anyone in your position be expected to work these hours?

☛ Do you ever take work home with you?

☛ What obligations does your employer place on you outside of the regular work week?

☛ What social obligations go along with a job in your field?

☛ Are there organizations you are expected to join?

☛ Are there other things you are expected to do outside of work hours?

☛ How has this job affected your lifestyle?

☛ To what extent does this job present a challenge in terms of juggling work and family life?

☛ Is there flexibility in work hours, vacation schedule, place of residence, etc.?


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