
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Job Title Based as Company Physician Job Interview Questions

☛ What is your exact title?

☛ Do other people in the company with the same job title have the same responsibilities?

☛ What was your title when you first started working here?

☛ Can you give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job?

☛ What is a typical day like?

☛ What percentage of your time is spent doing each function?

☛ Is your job what you thought it would be when you started?

☛ How much job security do you have in this position?

☛ What kind of decisions do you make?

☛ How does your time use vary? Are there busy and slow times or is it fairly constant?

☛ How much flexibility do you have in determining how you perform your job?

☛ What projects have you worked on that have been particularly interesting?

☛ Is there a great deal of turnover in this job?

☛ How would you assess your prestige or level of status in this job? In the company?

☛ How does the company evaluate your job performance?

☛ What are the major qualifications for success in this occupation?

☛ What qualifications would you be looking for if you were hiring for a position such as yours?

☛ What qualifications would you be looking for if you were hiring for a position subordinate to yours in the office?


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