⟩ Explain me do you have any professional affiliations?
Yes I do. I feel it’s important to stay informed about the nursing profession. I’m a member of the American Nurses Association and the California State Nurses Association.
Yes I do. I feel it’s important to stay informed about the nursing profession. I’m a member of the American Nurses Association and the California State Nurses Association.
Tell me while measuring blood pressure what you need to check as a precaution?
Do you know what are the opportunities a CNA may have?
Explain what is the best way to deal with the irritant patient?
Explain what is the right way to correct an error made while charting on a resident’s chart?
Tell me what all things CNA needs to take care while transferring a patient from bed?
Explain me how should a CNA must deal resident who has a speech problem?
Tell me what are all places a CNA can work?
Tell me what are some of the types of post-surgical care that a nursing assistant can be asked to provide for patients?
As you know you will have several patients to take care of? How do you prioritize which one you attend to first?
Professional Nursing Supervisor Job Interview Questions