⟩ Tell us how do you handle the stress of the job?
Let’s be honest, nursing can be incredibly high stress. An employer needs to know how you handle that stress and whether or not you work well under pressure.
Let’s be honest, nursing can be incredibly high stress. An employer needs to know how you handle that stress and whether or not you work well under pressure.
Do you know what are the job responsibilities of a CNA Nurse?
Do you know what is the responsibility of a CNA when he is informed about an admission?
Please explain what is the proper term for an infection that is transmitted during a medical procedure?
Explain me what is Heimlich maneuver?
Please explain me a time you had to introduce important change in your last job?
Tell me why did you leave your last job as Nursing Supervisor?
Tell me a situation when your work was criticized?
Please explain what do you consider the essential qualities for a supervisor?
Please explain a time you had to manage conflict within your department/team/group?
Explain me what is the difference between CNA and Nursing assistant?