⟩ Tell me why do you want to work for this company as Nurse?
Emphasise the positive reasons why you want to join the company, and avoid mentioning aspects such as more money or shorter hours.
Emphasise the positive reasons why you want to join the company, and avoid mentioning aspects such as more money or shorter hours.
Do you know what types of jobs do Registered Dietitians hold?
Do you know what is the good source of iron?
Tell me do peach pit contain cyanide?
Tell us what proportion of meal is best for a teenager? 3 large meals over a day or a 6 small meals a day?
Tell me what type of education is required to become a Registered Dietitian?
Do you know what should a PKU diet be?
Tell me Is meat bad for good health?
Tell me should teenagers take a vitamin supplement to meet their energy level up?
Tell me what relationship do you think that the Kitchen and the Clinical Nutrition Department staffs should have?
Tell me suppose if you don't drink milk because of lactose intolerance where you can get calcium?