
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Fresh Nursing Supervisor Job Interview Questions

☛ What do you think of neatness? Is it important to you and why?

☛ What do you think of profit?

☛ What do you think of authority

☛ Have people said you walk extra miles? when was last time you have done that and what did you do?

☛ What make a good leader?

☛ Are you a good leader?

☛ What do you think of having friendship with patients?

☛ What do you think of flow?

☛ Are you doing your job with enthusiasm? How so?

☛ What have your manager said about you?

☛ If you see a family's friend bringing food to the patient, will you go and tell him not to do that?

☛ How do you deal with conflict? When was last time you have resolved a conflict and what did you do?

☛ What make you happy?

☛ What make you not happy?

☛ Tell me about your job experience?

☛ What do you like about your job?

☛ If you see a boy hammered his finger, and he is crying, what would you do?

☛ What do you think of aides?

☛ What would you see yourself doing in 10 year?

☛ Is being punctual important to you?


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