
Question and Answer:

  Home  Practical Nurse

⟩ Tell me will I have to take a drug test?

NEVER ask this question during an interview. Asking this question implies you are worried about a drug test and can lead interviewers to believe you are an illegal drug user. Nurses should always remain drug free and clear minded to provide the best quality of care to their patients. Many LPN positions do require a drug test prior to employment. Let the employer bring this up and make sure the results will be negative.

Drug addiction is a mental disease and a serious problem. Nurses often have higher rates of drug abuse than other careers for various reasons including access to drugs and high stress levels. If you are a nurse struggling with drug addiction there is help available. Don’t hesitate to contact a local rehabilitation center or your local board of nursing. There are special drug rehabilitation programs specifically designed for nurses. Take advantage of them and heal yourself. Patient safety is always number 1 priority. Practicing impaired is NOT caring for the patients’ best interest.


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