⟩ Tell me how would you rate your problem solving skills?
This is a common question asked for help desk jobs, so again it is a personal question, and you can rate yourself on number 1 to 10 / 10.
This is a common question asked for help desk jobs, so again it is a personal question, and you can rate yourself on number 1 to 10 / 10.
Tell us what are the precautions to be taken to avoid fire?
Tell us what is Engineering Drawing?
Tell us what is the main advantage of chain dimensioning?
Tell us what are the standard sizes of drawing board as per Indian Standards?
What do you mean by First Aid as Maintenance Engineer?
Tell me what Are The Elements Included In Technical And Operational Plans?
Explain me what is a Centre line?
Tell me what Is Maintenance Load Forecasting?
Explain me what is an accident?
Tell us what are Phantom Lines?