⟩ Do you know who are our competitors?
Do your homework and research the company and find out who are their competitors. Management interview questions like this will quickly reveal how well you conducted your research prior to the interview.
Do your homework and research the company and find out who are their competitors. Management interview questions like this will quickly reveal how well you conducted your research prior to the interview.
Can you tell me what are your career goals?
I see you do a lot of research about finding new objects or gestures to enhance the communication skills of your users. How do you develop these techniques/musical instruments adaptation?
Tell me what have you done in the past year to better yourself as a Music Therapist?
Explain do you have a certain structure in improvisations like the one in the video? Do you have, for example, certain sentences or chord progressions ready when you sing?
Tell us how can a music therapist decide what instruments an autistic child will prefer?
Explain me what you do with the children?
Tell us how would you end a therapy session with a client with Alzheimer’s disease—or a child with autism—who are enjoying themselves and don’t want you to leave?
Tell us how have your professional and educational experiences prepared you to work in this position?
Tell me how do you go about involving family members in patient treatment?
Please share three of your success stories as a Music Therapist?