⟩ If we select you, what will you bring to our Company?
Sir , my new splendor 100 cc.
Sir , my new splendor 100 cc.
Explain me an example of a time you had to respond to an unhappy manager/ customer/ colleague/ professor/ friend?
Explain me how do you respond to change?
Explain me about a time in your recent past when you've had to handle confidential information?
Tell us you have not done your PG yet. This is not a drawback, but don’t you think you should get a PG degree asap?
Tell us what will your references say?
Explain me why have you changed so many jobs?
Tell us how long do you think you will work for us after we hire you?
Tell us have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?
Explain me what do you believe is the role of the HR department in relation to the mission, vision, and strategies of the business?
Tell us where do you see yourself 3 years from now? or Where do you see yourself in 5 years?