⟩ Behavioral HR Officer Job Interview Questions
☛ Describe what you would say if asked to talk about yourself in a group of 15 people.
☛ If someone told you that you had made an error, describe how you would react and what you would say in your defense.
☛ If someone asked you for assistance with a matter that is outside the parameters of your job description, what would you do?
☛ You are a committee member and disagree with a point or decision. How will you respond?
☛ Describe what you would classify as a crisis.
☛ You are angry about an unfair decision. How do you react?
☛ Suppose you are in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and rapidly. How would you handle it?
☛ How do you know when you are stressed? What do you do to de-stress?
☛ Tell me about a time when you were a part of a great team. What was your part in making the team effective?
☛ Give me an example of a time when you had to deal with a difficult co-worker. How did you handle the situation?
☛ How do you think your co-workers would respond if you were absent from work?
☛ Can you tell me about a time during your previous employment when you suggested a better way to perform a process?
☛ Tell me about a personal or career goal that you have accomplished and why that was important to you.
☛ Give an example of a time when you were trying to meet a deadline, you were interrupted, and did not make the deadline. How did you respond?
☛ What strengths did you rely on in your last position to make you successful in your work?
☛ What do you do when you know you are right and your boss disagrees with you? Give me an example of when this has happened in your career.
☛ Tell me about a situation you wish that you had handled differently based on the outcome. What was the situation? What would you change (or will you change) when faced with a similar situation?
☛ Suppose your supervisor asked you to get information for them that you know is confidential and he/she should not have access to. What would you do?
☛ Describe a time when you performed a task outside your perceived responsibilities. What was the task? Why did you perceive it to be outside your responsibilities? What was the outcome?
☛ It’s 4:30 on a Friday afternoon. Your supervisor gives you an assignment that needs to be finished by 8:00 Monday morning. You have already made plans to be away the entire weekend. What would you do?
☛ If you observed a co-worker who made inappropriate sexual or racial remarks to another employee, and it was obvious to you that the situation was creating an uncomfortable environment, what would you do.