
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Hard core HR Interview Questions

1) Read important provisions of Industrial Disputes Act, Factories Act, standing orders Act

2) Under stand the scope of the following terms

a)Retrenchment b) lay-off c) closure and the procedure to effect all the three.

d) strike and Lock-out and their requirements to be met in a public utility service e) Public utility service f) Unfair labour practice g)definition of factory u/Factories Act & ESI Act h) Settlement u/I.D Act i) award u/I.D Act

3) Acquaint yourself with recent amendments of I.d Act, ESI Act Gratuity Act,

4) What is conciliation and the procedure?

5) what are the methods of peaceful settlement of disputes?

6) what is trade union?

7) Is there any procedure prescribed under Trade Unions act 1926 to recognize trade unions?

8)What is collective bargaining?

9) can you terminate an employee during probation for unsatisfactory service by giving required notice?

10) Can you terminate the service of an employee by paying wages in lieu of notice for amisconduct committed by him?

11) can you recover your financial loss from gratuity?


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