⟩ How would you collect all the details for each reference?
Make sure to get complete information from each reference:
Full name, current title, company name, business address and contact information (daytime phone, email, cell phone, etc.).
Make sure to get complete information from each reference:
Full name, current title, company name, business address and contact information (daytime phone, email, cell phone, etc.).
What do you know about our company and activities?
Why do you think sales is the most suitable career for you as Office Girl?
What are your short- to mid-term career goals?
What experience do you have in thisfront office field?
What do you know about our office?
Why should the we hire you as Office Girl?
Basic Office Girl Interview Questions
Which is greater 17% of 34 or 34% of 17?
You know many sales personnel are uncomfortable making cold calls. Does it bother you? Why or why not?
Why do you want to work with us as Office Girl?