⟩ Tell me how long can you be on layoff lists for?
According to the layoff rules, an applicant is eligible to be on internal and statewide layoff lists up to two years from the effective date of their layoff.
According to the layoff rules, an applicant is eligible to be on internal and statewide layoff lists up to two years from the effective date of their layoff.
How do you generate, develop, and close sales opportunities?
How would you describe the culture of this company?
Tell me how do you handle rejection?
What are the next steps in the interview process?
Who would I be directly working with?
Tell me a bit more about yourself and experiance?
What would you tell an employer in five years about why you took this job?
What future do you see for yourself with our company?
Tell me why should I believe that you're going to stay with our company?
Aren't you going to get bored or frustrated? IF I'm concerned with this organization's ability to keep you here?