⟩ Tell me when do you get your name on layoff list?
You can get your name on layoff lists as soon as you receive written notice of the layoff, including the effective date. You may be eligible to have your name on more than one layoff list.
You can get your name on layoff lists as soon as you receive written notice of the layoff, including the effective date. You may be eligible to have your name on more than one layoff list.
Tell me why should I believe that you're going to stay with our company?
Aren't you going to get bored or frustrated? IF I'm concerned with this organization's ability to keep you here?
If HR say you are overqualified for this position then how you reply?
Tell me what will motivate you in a job that won't make use of many of your qualifications?
I want you to know you can't expect a promotion anytime soon. Is that OK with you? Why is it OK?
How you answers if interviewer said you're overqualified for this job?
Explain why I should hire you while you are over-qualified for this post?
How to focus on the positive if you are Overqualified?
How to be honest if you are Overqualified?
What is the meaning behind the question if interviewer asked you're overqualified for this job?