
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Tell me how would you prepare a list of your accomplishments?

It is best to use accurate performance measures such as quality improvement, customer satisfaction, and especially, growth in profits. The list will remind you of your own worth, make it concrete, and provide an objective basis for your demands.

☛ While some people believe it is helpful to write down accomplishments to present to your boss, others believe your accomplishments should already be evident and you should only need to highlight those to remind your boss of what he already knows and reinforce that knowledge. It depends on what you know about your boss's preferences, your relationship dynamics with your boss and your own level of comfort with reciting your accomplishments verbatim.

☛ If you choose to convince your boss verbally, memorize the list.

☛ If you choose to present a written copy to your boss for his or her reference, have somebody proofread it for you first.


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