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⟩ Tell us why are you leaving (did you leave) ABC?

☛ Laid off, company is moving or closing: easy to verify, typically has nothing to do with performance.

☛ More money may be a legitimate reason for leaving: ask why they’re ready for a bump up the pay scale

☛ Taken on a lot more responsibility but haven’t been compensated: a fair reason to leave

☛ Their rent went up: might want to rethink this candidate

☛ Looking for a new opportunity: might mean they’re stuck in a dead-end job in a dead-end company and they’re looking for more challenges. Or it might mean they don’t get along with others and they want out. Ask for more specifics.

☛ Management differences: could mean they work for a horrible boss (we’ve all had them) or they are being pressured to leave because of poor performance/attitude. Press for specific details.

☛ Time for a change: the catchphrase of job-jumpers. If they can’t give a legitimate reason, you might be re-filling that spot in a year when malaise sets in for them at your company.

☛ Employer bad-mouthing: Yes, there are horrid bosses out there that great employees needn’t tolerate. But there are ways to articulate the need to work for a quality company with a respectful management staff professionally. If they can’t, you may be looking at the newest constant complainer at your company.


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