⟩ Using the UK postcode system, the postcode DL7 8 represents which of the following levels of this hierarchical system.
1. Postal area
2. Postal district
3. Postal sector
4. Unit postcode
Postal sector
1. Postal area
2. Postal district
3. Postal sector
4. Unit postcode
Postal sector
How many satellites are used in the US NAVSTAR GPS satellite constellation?
What is Edge matching?
What does the abbreviation GPS stand for?
What is the name of the Russian equivalent of GPS?
What is Conflation?
The Mercator projection is an example of a cylindrical projection.
The depth of water in a lake is an example of a ratio scale measurement.
The Prime Meridian runs through Moscow.
LIDAR data are collected using laser technology.
What is coordinate thinning?