
Question and Answer:


⟩ Explain what Procedure Import Workflow in Maximo 7.1?

Procedure Import Workflow in Maximo 7.1


1. Object structure, publish channel, Enterprise services can be duplicated from migration to make it used by integration process and if it is not in migration/Integration then follow the steps given below to create it manually

2. Turn Admin mode to off before import.

3. The sequential queue processes messages one at a time, in a first-in-first-out

Sequence and as we are using sequential queue the error files if generated should be cleared from error folder from mea-global directory

4. Cron task set up- JMSQSEQCONSUMER make this cron task active for sequential queue

5. Create MEA Global directory, if it does not exits. Give the details of this in System Properties & all End Points that will be used.

6. Enable Message Tracking from select action menu for Enterprise Services created below

7. Create End Point & External System only once as per steps given below & can be used multiple times.


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