⟩ Do you plan to work there?
Visa Officer wants to know your intentions. You should
answer in such a way that Visa Officer is convinced that you
are financially strong and plan to return to your home
country after completing your studies.
Visa Officer wants to know your intentions. You should
answer in such a way that Visa Officer is convinced that you
are financially strong and plan to return to your home
country after completing your studies.
Explain me what, in your opinion, is the most difficult aspect of being a manager or executive?
Can you explain me three of your accomplishments over the past few years that you are most proud of?
Can you explain me a situation where you have had to deal with a difficult person and how you handled it? Do you think you should have done anything differently?
Tell us what are some questions you would ask to help isolate a user’s problem?
Tell us have you ever had to fire someone? If so, why did you have to do so, and how did you approach the situation?
Do you know what is your troubleshooting process?
Explain me if your previous manager was in the room with us, what do you think he would have to say about you?
Tell us in our industry, what are some important trends that you see?
Can you list five Microsoft Office applications?
Tell me what is the difference between RAM and ROM? RAM stands for Random Access Memory?