⟩ I have done my MBA in2010 am applying 4 f1 visa. And again am planing to do MBA in technology might so what kind of question may i expect from the counsel. If they ask y the same course means what should i reply?
why us....us is the leader in the field of technology
and bizzz..and an intrnational master degree that to from
us would give me a lot of weight to my resume and would
convince my life v.good so amplaning 4my bright feauter by
studyng in us.....2]y the same course....i want to do mba
in technology mgt that to in practically..and the master i
did from the college is not impressin the hr,s of the
companies..and moreover an internatioal master degree that
from us universitys has a high recognition back here in
india so i want to persue mba from us...and it would help
me to establish my self in a good positon and would make my
self outstanding and imoressive