⟩ Explain Associate?
To link a file with a certain program. This way, when you double-click on an associated file, it will open the correct program.
To link a file with a certain program. This way, when you double-click on an associated file, it will open the correct program.
Explain me what Punch Cards?
Tell me what is your average 10-key speed and typing proficiency?
Explain me what office software are you most comfortable using?
Tell us what Is The Primary Duty Of A Data Entry Operator?
Explain me about a time that you provided exceptional customer service to a client?
Tell us what kind of data analysis software experience do you possess?
Can you tell us how do you stay organized?
Explain me about a time when you had to be flexible in the workplace?
Tell us how do you minimize the risk for error in your work?
Explain me what accounting skills/certifications do you have?