⟩ Tell us why do you want to enter the insurance field?
Im from a middle class family.. if der is a loss, i know how it will bw.. bt insurance schemes replaces the loss by any means..
Im from a middle class family.. if der is a loss, i know how it will bw.. bt insurance schemes replaces the loss by any means..
Please explain me what do you mean by ‘Deductible’?
Tell me what is the‘contestable period’ in insurance policy?
Explain is it advisable to replace the policy with another policy?
Please explain what is ‘group life’ insurance?
Tell us do You Know What Is Life Annuity Plan In Life Insurance?
Please explain what do you mean by ‘Additional Insured’?
Tell us what is the difference between the ‘All perils’ and ‘Specified perils’ coverage in home insurance coverage?
Tell us is it possible to convert a part of term life insurance into permanent life insurance?
Explain can beneficiary claim the policy if the insured person is missing or disappeared for several years?
Explain you Will Be Working As Part Of A Team? How Good Are You Working In A Team?